Xvand made it an easier process that it would have been otherwise; they were the silver lining in this cloud [Hurricane Katrina]. Everyone's taken care of us in a truly efficient manner.
Andrew Kramer JVF Katrina Victim
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Houston Computer Services - Utility Computing

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(The following is an executive summary of the whitepaper "Utility Computing - The Value of Business Computing Without Headaches." If you're researching Houston computer services, we urge you to check out the full version of the whitepaper.)

1. Technology Challenges for Contemporary Business

The greatest contemporary challenge to business is adapting to continually changing market conditions. This challenge drains both financial and human capital. Corporate assets are expended on cost-reducing rather than on revenue-generating priorities, often leaving inadequate infrastructure plaguing corporate performance, reducing productivity and draining profits.

These technology challenges unfortunately increase exponentially with growth. A battle ensues to keep up with customer driven demands.  Continual advances in technology only increase corporate burdens by forcing investments in newer technology on a continuing basis. This usually occurs without internal expertise to properly implement and utilize Houston technology services which, in turn, produces a devastating effect on productivity and profits.

2.  Realizing the Value of Technology without the Headaches

Utility computing is a unique alternative to owning and managing technology investments.  Utility computing enables business planners to accurately forecast the costs of their information technology. Just as electricity, water and telephone utilities allow customers to pay only for the amount of services they need, utility computing allows organizations to pay only for the technology infrastructure they require, without purchasing, managing and supporting a complex and expensive infrastructure in house.

With utility computing, companies enable their technology infrastructure to adapt, change and grow as their business necessitates.

3. IT Delivered Like a Utility 

IsUtility® helps organizations of all sizes to unlock the intrinsic value of technology, enabling business growth and profit through an efficient infrastructure. Whether an organization employs five or five thousand computer users, IsUtility® allows organizations to operate more efficiently, using a platform that only Fortune 500 companies could previously afford. 

IsUtilty® eliminates the need for organizations to continually invest in computer system, and requires virtually no investment in technology at all.  Additionally, most companies no longer need to internally budget for costly information technology personnel – either on staff or as outside consultants.

IsUtility® provides an infrastructure that instantly adapts to changes and operates with each organization’s unique needs in mind.  By improving processes to create business value through application integration, web enablement, remote pc support and process automation, organizations can make money on Technology versus viewing IT solely as a cost center. 



We hope you have found this information helpful. If you feel that your current process does not meet these standards, or if you would like more information on IT outsourcing please feel free to contact us: