by Yehuda Cagen
19. October 2010 09:17

Our Houston IT consulting experts are constantly striving to help C-level executives of small and midsize businesses improve their employee’s productivity.
But what about the executives themselves?
How do they make sure they’re making the best use of their time?
Small business CEO shares productivity tips
Small business owners are, by definition, too busy. As a result, it’s really important that we all find ways to continually tweak our work habits to make them more efficient. As the co-owner of an SEO consulting company, this is something I’ve had to routinely do. Some of the big things I’ve changed that have helped me are respecting my own time, keeping others on track and accountable, and cutting out low-value activities during the day.
- Respecting my own time: As small business owners, we want to help everyone. We’ll gladly stop what we’re doing to troubleshoot something for someone else or reschedule a call someone else canceled in the middle of our busy today. However, doing this is detrimental to our schedules. I’ve found that the more I respect my own time, the more I force others to respect it, as well. If they know that I’ll cancel a meeting they’re late to, they’re more likely to show up on time. Little things like that add up.
- Making others accountable: Some time ago I noticed that I was losing a big chunk of my day to unfocused conversations and meetings. We’d come together to talk about one thing and then we’d wander off to a completely different topic and get stuck off-track. This was robbing hours from my day. To help turn it, I’ve found gentle ways to help keep things focused and bring people back to the topic when they stray off it. You’ve decided to meet for a reason – make sure you’re making good on it. Otherwise it’s not a meeting, it’s a water-cooler session.
- Cutting out low value activities during the day: Your best friend is having a relationship crisis, your mother can remember the name of girl you had a fight with twenty years ago, and OMG, is there a great flame war happening on Twitter right now! These things are all time sucks and do nothing but distract you from your day. I’ve made a conscious decision to not let these things enter my day. Again it goes back to respecting your own time. If you’re strict about what you will and will not break your work routine for, other people will learn to respect it, as well.
These productivity tips were contributed by guest-blogger Lisa Baron, CEO, Outspoken Media. For more productivity tips, you can check out her blog.
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